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The system of photographic fixation of violations of traffic rules

The system of photographic fixation of traffic violations includes the following main components:
- violation monitoring sensors (stationary, mobile), software and hardware systems and systems for calculating/measuring average speed;
- center for fixing offenses (Minsk);
- control and payment points (stationary, mobile).

Violation monitoring sensors (stationary, mobile), software and hardware systems and average speed calculation/measurement systems are designed for:
- monitoring compliance with traffic rules of vehicles and fixing violations;
- formation of a data packet with information about violations;
- transmission of a data packet about violations to the center for fixing offenses.

The Crime Fixation Center carries out:
- receiving data on violations from sensors for monitoring violations to the CFP database;
- quality control of recorded information;
- transfer of data on violations to the subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus;
- interaction with control and payment points.

Points of control and payment:
- are intended to bring to administrative responsibility drivers of vehicles with foreign registration plates who have violated the Rules of the Road on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Stationary and mobile disturbance control sensors, average speed calculation systems

Location map of fixed speed sensors

Location map of average speed calculation/measurement systems

Location map of the traffic flow monitoring system

Mobile speed control sensors are installed by decision of the traffic police

Used equipment:

- photofixation systems Mesta 2000/2200 based on radar speed meters MESTA 210 C ("Sagem Securite", France (FR));
- radar stationary MultaRadar SD580 vehicle speed meters ("JENOPTIK Robot GmbH", Germany (DE));
- poliScan M1HP, PoliScan F1HP, PoliScan FM1/FM1.SR laser vehicle speedometers ("VITRONIC Dr.-Ing. Stein Bildverarbeitungssysteme GmbH", Germany (DE));
- complexes for measuring the speed of vehicles photo-radar KORDON (OOO "Simikon", St. Petersburg, Russia (RU));
- radar speed meters with photofixation EHL-RSVS-700 ("Beijing E-Hualu Information Technology Co., Ltd.", China (CN));
- hardware and software complexes Megacam.Limit-S (Outlook LLP, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan (KZ));
- software and hardware complexes RoadEye S01 (SJSC "Safe Roads of Belarus", Minsk, Republic of Belarus (BY));
- systems for calculating the average speed of vehicles on certain sections of highways "RoadEye AverSpeed" (SJSC "Safe Roads of Belarus", Minsk, Republic of Belarus (BY));
- RoadEye SC software and hardware systems (Safe Roads of Belarus CJSC, Minsk, Republic of Belarus (BY));
- systems for measuring the average speed of vehicles on certain sections of roads "RoadEye AverSpeed2" (JSC "Safe Roads of Belarus", Minsk, Republic of Belarus (BY)).

Additional Information:

- separate information about the technical characteristics of the DCS can be posted by the manufacturers of the DCS on their official websites;
- requirements for the installation of stationary booster compressor stations and average velocity calculation systems are taken into account by design organizations;
- compliance with the requirements for the installation of stationary and mobile ACS and average speed calculation systems is controlled by traffic police officers and representatives of highway owners;
- all operating systems for measuring speed are included in the State Register of measuring instruments approved for use on the territory of the Republic of Belarus by the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Belarusian State Institute of Metrology" (hereinafter referred to as BelGim);
- BelGim clarifications on the validity of the certificate;
- verification of speed meters is carried out by BelGim in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;
- the verification period is controlled by specialized software and, if necessary, by employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Belarus.


- History of creation, tasks and functions
- Contact information
- Own production

- The system of photographic fixation of violations of traffic rules
- Stationary and mobile violation sensors, average speed calculation systems
-- Location map of fixed speed sensors
-- Location map of average speed calculating/measuring systems
-- Location map of the traffic flow monitoring system

- Body conducting the administrative process
- Payment of fines for photofixation


Body conducting the administrative process

Department for ensuring the functioning of the system of automatic fixation of offenses of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus:

+375(17)229-75-36, 229-75-38 department for work with individuals;
+375(17)229-75-37 department for work with legal entities;
+375(17)229-75-48 department for work with persons of foreign states.

Opening hours: Monday - Friday.
Working hours: 09:00-13:00; 14:00-18:00.


Closed Joint-Stock Company “Safe roads of Belarus”

St. Pervomayskaya, 16,
220030, Republic of Belarus, Minsk
Tel: +375(17)229-75-11,
Fax: +375(17)229-75-02,

Copyright © 2012—2024 Any publication of site materials only with permission Closed Joint-Stock Company “Safe roads of Belarus”

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